The Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund are pleased to announce the launch of the fourth HSCVF local scheme today.
The Local Grant and Capacity Building Scheme fourth round aims to invest in the capacity and capabilities of voluntary sector organisations by nurturing innovative ideas and providing organisational support. The design of this fourth local round of HSCVF funding has taken into account the recent operational changes to the NHS and how health / social care services are commissioned. At the same time, we also acknowledge the changing structures in the voluntary sector. The HSCVF local grant and capacity building scheme has been designed to improve the voluntary sector’s potential in the health, public health and social care landscape by helping them to become more sustainable.
Competition for the funding and support is likely to be high. It is anticipated that approximately 40 organisations will receive a package of capacity building support and project funding up to a maximum of £50,000 for multi-annual projects. Criteria for applying include: being a not for profit locally constituted organisation, having a track record in health and social care activity, having an established volunteer base, and having policies on equality, health and safety, and safeguarding of children and adults already in place.
Find out more about the scheme can make a difference to local organisations here --
The registration period will be between 10 June and 19 July. Eligible organisations will then be able to submit an application through the online application portal which will also open on 10 June 2013 and will close at noon on 31 July 2013.
Click here to find further information about how to apply to the scheme.