What are we looking for?

The Fund will seek projects that have something distinctive and different to offer over existing services, and for their potential to develop new and / or streamlined systems in health, public health and social care volunteering. Grants will not be provided to projects that simply aim to supply additional core services, or request funding for existing services or continuation funding.

The local grant scheme has four funding themes. Applicants should apply under one theme only. An overview of the themes is given below. More detailed information on the activity focus of each theme is outlined in Information for Applicants – Local Grants Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund:

THEME 1: PATIENT-LED NHS Projects that can demonstrate a step change in the contribution of volunteering in the health and social care sector

THEME 2: DELIVERING BETTER HEALTH OUTCOMES Projects that improve patient/service user and carer experience and outcomes through volunteering

THEME 3: IMPROVING PUBLIC HEALTH Projects that improve public health through action to reduce health inequalities in health and social care through active volunteering initiatives

THEME 4: IMPROVING HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Projects that enable people to have greater choice over their care and support, leading to improvements for individuals, and compliments existing statutory and community provision through volunteering Applications that demonstrate the strongest contribution towards these themes through volunteering will be given priority in the selection process.

Projects focussed on local priorities, which aim to meet the health, public health and social care needs in their area will be given priority
see http://www.apho.org.uk/default.aspx?QN=P_HEALTH_PROFILES.

Applicants may also refer to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment data set for further evidence of local health and social care needs - http://bit.ly/OIBfq